Elementor #39

In the framework of the UNEP/GEF project “Support to Eligible Parties to Produce the Sixth National Report to the CBD“, Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Republic of Serbia as the administrative authority for the implementation of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity and Serbian Environmental Protection Agency as the executive agency of this project in Serbia have prepared the 6th National report on the implementation of UNCBD which shows the assessment of progress in the implementation of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 and its Aichi Biodiversity Targets using more than 50 indicators that were adjusted or developed for this purpose and presented here.

Biodiversity Indicators

Protection of Biodiversity

1.1 Stopping the trend of vulnerability and loss of biodiversity

1.4 Establishment of an integral national information system for biodiversity with a database (INISB)

Improvement of the system of protected areas and ecological networks
Sustainable use of natural resources
Improving public policy and public participation in decision-making

4.1 Inclusion of nature protection in other sectoral policies through amendments and implementation of sectoral regulations through existing legal remedies