Key message: For the period from 2011 to 2018, about 4.59% of funds for financing projects in the field of biodiversity were allocated in relation to total funds for all projects financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Technology
Assessment: Data are provided for the period from 2011 to 2018 (current project cycle). Research on biodiversity and nature protection deals with about 4.92% of researchers engaged in about 2.33% of projects in relation to the total number of funded researchers, or projects within all research programmes. The majority of projects is implemented in the field of biology, followed by biotechnology and agriculture, arranging, protection and use of water, land and air and environmental protection and climate change. In the period from 2011 to 2018, about 2.86% of scientific results in the field of biodiversity were published in internationally recognised journals, compared to the total number of scientific results published by scientists from Serbia engaged in projects in the field of biodiversity (financed by Ministry of Science, Education and Technology) for the same period. For the period 2011-2018, an average of 4.59% of funds for financing projects in the field of biodiversity were allocated for all projects financed by the Ministry of Science, Education and Technology.

Indicator name: Biodiversity and nature protection in scientific research
Institution/Author: Ministry of education, science and technological development/dr Marina Soković, dr Jasmina Grubin
Use and interpretation:
For the period from 2011 to 2018, about 4.59 % of funds for financing projects in the field of biodiversity were allocated in relation to total funds for all projects financed by the Ministry of science, education and technology
Units in which it is expressed:
Number of scientific projects, % of published scientific papers in the field of biodiversity
Description of source data:
Data base of the Ministry of education, science and technological development.
Data are provided for the period of 2011 to 2018 (current project cycle). The largest number of projects is implemented in the field of biology, followed by biotechnology and agriculture, arranging, protection and use of water, land and air and environmental protection and climate change. In the period of 2011 to 2018, about 2.86 % of scientific results in the field of biodiversity were published in internationally recognized journals, compared to the total number of scientific results published by scientists from Serbia engaged in projects in the field of biodiversity (financed by Ministry of science, education and technology) for the same period.
Periodicity of collecting: per year; per project period
Calculation procedure:
Research on biodiversity and nature protection deals with about 4.92 % of researchers engaged in about 2.33 % of projects in relation to the total number of funded researchers, or projects within all research programs.
For the period 2011-2018, an average of 4.59 % of funds for financing projects in the field of biodiversity were allocated, on average, for all projects financed by the Ministry of science, education and technology.
Most effective forms of presentation: Table, graphs
Updating the indicator: Per project period. Once per year for number of scientific papers
Closely related indicators
Table: Number of published scientific papers
Year | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018* |
Number of published scientific papers | 5930 | 7639 | 7040 | 7081 | 7270 | 7251 | 7154 | 6600 |
Number of published scientific papers in the field of biodiversity | 117 | 190 | 227 | 212 | 225 | 219 | 204 | 200 |
% | 1,97 | 2,49 | 3,22 | 2,99 | 3,09 | 3,02 | 2,85 | 3,03 |
2018* The number for 2018 is not final